
n. 硼
[化] 硼B

n. a trivalent metalloid element; occurs both in a hard black crystal and in the form of a yellow or brown powder


1.If the boron control rods are completely withdrawn from the reactor, when they’re put back in, the first thing that enters the core isn’t boron.

当硼控制棒 完全从反应堆中抽出后 再放回去时 最先接触堆芯的不是硼

2.They’re dropping sand and boron on the fire.


3.These rods are made of boron, which reduces reactivity, but not their tips.

这些控制棒是硼制的 硼能减弱核反应 但控制棒的尖端不是

4.I’m going to get you 5,000 tons of sand and boron.


5.The walls are treated with a layer of art paint, reinforced with nanomaterials derived from the wurtzite form of boron nitride.

墙上涂了一层智能油漆 由纳米材料加固 从氮化硼纤锌矿结构形式提取

6.I know the graphite is on fire, the fuel is melting, and you’re dropping sand and boron on it, which you probably thought was art, but you’ve made a mistake.

我知道石墨着火了 燃料正在熔化 以及你们在反应堆上方投放沙子和硼 你们可能觉得这很明智 但你们犯了个错
