
n. 失事, 营救难船
[经] 打捞公司, (拆除旧屋的)拆除公司

n the event of a structure being completely demolished and leveled
n destruction achieved by causing something to be wrecked or ruined
v smash or break forcefully


1.I wrecked my marriage, and I wrecked your trust in me.

毁了我的婚姻 也毁了你对我的信任

2.When I wreck a comm system, it stays wrecked.


3.And the collateral damage would be to wreck a woman you’ve already wrecked once before.

附带着还会 毁了那个女人 她之前已经被你毁过一次了

4.I’ll send them to my ex and wreck her marriage just like she wrecked mine.

我把照片发送给我前夫 就像她毁了我的婚姻那样毁掉她的婚姻

5.If you’re here about your car, it’s wrecked.

如果你是为了车而来 车已经毁了

6.They had to cut you out of the wreck.


7.What a train wreck that would have been.


8.I mean, at the beginning, I was a wreck.

刚开始的时候 我很颓废

9.Finally my god you’re here. I’m a wreck.

谢天谢地你来了 我快崩溃了

10.You must have been a wreck when you were pregnant.

