
n. 祖先, 世系, 名门出身

n. inherited properties shared with others of your bloodline


1.So, we still see that people whose ancestry is predominantly from those sunnier places of the world tend to have darker skin, and people who’ve got more ancestry in the far north tend to have paler skin as well.

我们仍能看到祖先主要来自 日照更强地区的人 更倾向于拥有较深肤色 如果祖先更多来自遥远的北方 后人往往有较浅的肤色

2.You have magical ancestry, but no power.

你有魔法血统 可你无法施展

3.Maybe less if all the ancestry holds up.

如果历史核查没问题 或许能更短

4.You hurt that woman, you destroy an entire ancestry.

要是伤了那个女人 你就是和整个家族过不去

5.I’m guessing your ancestry owes something to those regions.


6.He’d heard he had Irish ancestry and wanted to find out.

他之前听说祖上有爱尔兰人 希望能查一下

7.This is because all dogs can trace their ancestry back to the wolf.

这是因为所有的狗都有共同的祖先 狼

8.This shows that we actually found a mix of a few things in your regional ancestry.

报告表明 我们发现 你混杂了几种血统

9.Well, I guess this is proof positive that ancestry ain’t all bad.

我想这就是对先人并不都是坏的 最好的证明

10.Plus, it’s better than that shitty ancestry kit you wanted to buy.

再说了 这总比你想买的基因检测工具要好
