
n. 佩内洛普(女子名);[希神]Odysseus的忠实妻子

n. (Greek mythology) the wife of Odysseus and a symbol of devotion and fidelity; for 10 years while Odysseus fought the Trojan War she resisted numerous suitors until Odysseus returned and killed them
n. a genus of guans (turkey-like arboreal birds valued as game and food birds)


1.penelope, she was always bailing me out.


2.penelope, there’s a lot of my stuff that you haven’t seen before.

Penelope 你没见过的我的东西还有很多

3.penelope, I need you to get out in that hallway.

佩内洛普 你得出门到走廊上去

4.penelope, I need you to get some intel.

佩内洛普 我需要你查点情报

5.penelope, you gotta stop staring at her.

佩内洛普 别盯着照片看了

6.penelope had him cremated before be could perform one.


7.penelope, we have to get a handle on what’s happening here.

佩内洛普 我们得开始调查 这里到底发生了什么

8.penelope, we need you to pull up the security cameras again.

佩内洛普 我们需要你再调出监控录像

9.penelope looked so pathetic, back in the kitchen.

佩内洛普被赶回厨房里了 看起来很可怜

10.penelope I think she made her son do a lot more than this.

佩内洛普 我觉得她让儿子做的远不止这些
