
n. 消遣, 娱乐, 游戏

n. a diversion that occupies one’s time and thoughts (usually pleasantly)


1.Those at best can only be enjoyable pastimes.


2.A national pastime, a tradition that has remained the same for over a century.

这是全国性娱乐活动 延续了一个多世纪的传统

3.Actually, it’s a pretty popular pastime for us.


4.The foundation of which was built upon our favorite pastime.


5.By boxing, sparring with my singlestick, reading, my pastimes are many.

我打拳击 挥舞我的单棍 阅读 我有很多消遣方式

6.It seems like a frivolous pastime when your survival here is in question.

看起来是个毫无意义的消遣 毕竟在这里的生存都成问题

7.Unlike you, most people enjoy a pastime that takes them out of their head.

不像你 大部分人喜欢可以让他们摆脱思考的消遣

8.Oh, returning to your favorite pastime of interfering in my work.


9.Maybe he was jacking cable, another favorite pastime in this hood.

可能在偷接有线电视 也是这里常有的事

10.You can return to your pleasant pastime of castrating writers who have more to say than you do.

你可以回到那太监作家都比你 能说会道的愉快旧时光里了
