
n. 貂, 貂皮衣

n. the expensive fur of a mink
n. fur coat made from the soft lustrous fur of minks
n. slender-bodied semiaquatic mammal having partially webbed feet; valued for its fur


1.minkes were known as the silent whale when we began working on them and there were no recordings of dwarf minkes.

小须鲸被称作安静的鲸鱼 当我们开始研究它们时 没人录到过侏儒小须鲸的声音

2.It’s easy to talk scientifically about the mink and say we’re going to manage the mink population.

从科学上说起来容易 因为我们要控制水貂数量

3.在19世纪70年代是美国太平洋沿岸最重要的捕鲸船港 off the minke whales in the 1870s.

亚当的玩笑话 节目组所在的旧金山 从小须鲸身上切过鲸脂

4.It seems that minkes aren’t too distressed by the process.


5.I have really mixed feelings about the mink.


6.Dean has learned the minke tricks of the trade.


7.They were safe from predators like otters and mink.


8.Are you gonna buy the mink? I prefer sable.

你要买那件貂皮吗 我更喜欢黑貂

9.I showed up in shirtsleeves, and she wore her grandmother’s mink stole.

我穿的衬衫 她穿了祖母的貂皮披肩

10.This endearing little character is the dwarf minke whale.

