
a. 适合的

s. changed in order to improve or made more fit for a particular purpose


1.And in this situation, we must adapt, adapt, adapt, and find another way to love our lives.

在这种情况下 我们必须适应 适应 再适应 找到另一种方式去爱我们的生活

2.Adapt themselves with it and then move in.

与他们自己结合 然后鸠占鹊巢

3.And we’re very adaptable and we want to fit in.

我们适应力很强 我们也想要适应

4.We should adapt for our audience, yes.

我们应该迎合观众的口味 是的

5.You took my business, and I adapted.

你抢走了我的生意 我接受了

6.Of course, I’m nothing if not adaptable.

当然了 我没有什么不适应

7.Most importantly, it taught me to adapt.

最重要的是 它教会我适应环境

8.Now I’d like it if he could adapt to me.


9.Yes, because I would adapt it, obviously.

是啊 因为很显然我要改编它

10.It’s your body. It’s fighting to adapt.

而是身体 有了反抗本能
