
n. 污点, 缺点
vt. 弄脏, 玷污, 损害

n. a mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of something (especially on a person’s body)
v. mar or impair with a flaw


1.He’s a predator, a leech, a blemish.

他是掠食者 水蛭 丑陋的生物

2.Your cheeks are blemished and your skin flakes.

你的脸上有污迹 皮肤也毫无光泽

3.It is the one blemish in an otherwise perfect record.

这是个大瑕疵 要是没有它 我的人生就完美了

4.He’s a rookie officer without a blemish on his record.


5.After today, the blemish will be gone for ever.

今天过后 这个丑物会永远消失

6.Let all examine their consciences to check they are without blemish.

让所有人扪心自问 看看是否毫无罪过

7.Uh, maybe they got a new blemish or a mole.

也许他们长了个新痘痘 或者痣

8.An illegitimate son could blemish your otherwise perfect reputation.

一个私生子 会玷污你原本完美的名声

9.I’ve been trying to do the right thing, really, but it’s hard when your record is blemished.

我一直想要改邪归正 但这对记录里有污点的人来说并不容易

10.One day, I’m gonna find a cure for this hideous blemish.

