
[化] 吊装; 提升

v raise from a lower to a higher position
v take hold of something and move it to a different location
v move upwards
v move upward
v make audible
v cancel officially
v make off with belongings of others
v raise or haul up with or as if with mechanical help
v invigorate or heighten
v raise in rank or condition
v take off or away by decreasing
v rise up
v pay off (a mortgage)
v take without referencing from someone else’s writing or speech; of intellectual property
v take illegally
v fly people or goods to or from places not accessible by other means
v take (root crops) out of the ground
v call to stop the hunt or to retire, as of hunting dogs
v rise upward, as from pressure or moisture
v put an end to
v remove (hair) by scalping
v remove from a seedbed or from a nursery
v remove from a surface
v perform cosmetic surgery on someone’s face


1.It’s the lift. It’s the sound that the lift makes.

是电梯 电梯发出来的声音

2.Then let’s move it! Into the lift, isolate the lift controls.

准备行动 上电梯 切断电梯的控制系统

3.If the questionnaire says they lifted, maybe they lifted.

如果問卷結果顯示她們消失了 也許就是真的

4.Another lift and then another lift.” that’s when it picked up for me.

一个托举 又是一个托举」 这就是吸引住我的地方

5.All right, okay, help me lift him up, help me lift him up, here we go.

好吧 帮我扶他起来 帮我一把 就这样

6.Day after day, drink after drink, we lifted our mugs and we lifted each other.

一天又一天 一杯又一杯 我们共同举杯 也相互扶持

7.What I want to do is lift this thing and I think this pele pele is going to lift the steak.

我想提升其档次 而我认为这个霹雳酱能提升牛排的档次

8.And when I was frightened by it the tempo of it lifted and the volume of it lifted and there were more instruments, and cellos were playing and orchestras, pianos, and everything was happening louder and louder and louder.

我越是害怕 乐曲的节奏就越快 音量也越大 乐器的种类也多了起来 大提琴 管弦乐队 钢琴一起演奏 所有的声响越来越大

9.You have the lifts and the technique.

你们能做托举 技术过硬

10.No, no, no, you shouldn’t be lifting things.

不不不 你不应该抬东西
