
n. 莉莉(女子名)


1.He would bring me lilies from it, only lilies.

他经常摘百合送给我 只有百合

2.You are going to come by the lilies and you are going to stay by the lilies.

过来看看百合花 待在这边吧

3.No, it’s not because of lily mulraney.

不 不关莉莉·莫瑞妮的事

4.He would know who he is, where lily is.

他一定知道这是谁 以及莉莉在哪儿

5.Right over those same lilies she loved.


6.Those lilies are reminding me of an ex.


7.Lily, you’ve got to realize I did this for you.

莉莉 你要明白 我这是为了你

8.Lily? I said, she’s not downstairs.

莉莉 我说了她不在楼下

9.That’s why I, uh, brought you these lilies.

所以 我为你准备了百合花

10.Lily believes in you, your wife doesn’t.

莉莉相信你 你妻子不信
