
a. (法)好的

a. Good; valid as security for something.


1.S’il la voit à bon œil, j’ai bon espoir que le pape nous donne sa bénédiction pour cette union.

如果他能对她青眼有加 那教皇或许就能如我所愿支持这次联姻

2.Au revoir, bon voyage, not my problem.

再见 一路顺风 不关我事

3.Back to the life of the bon vivant I was meant for.


4.No, don’t let that bon enfant routine fool you.


5.This is a bon voyage party for her and her country club clothes.


6.Anyway, I have something to take care of, so… bon appetit.

总之 我还有些事要办 祝你好胃口

7.Emma has been passed around more than a joint at a bon jovi concert.

艾玛像邦乔维[摇滚乐队]演唱会上的 大麻烟一样 被传来传去

8.He left a bon voyage dookie on our welcome mat this morning.


9.I identified the problem, deflected it with a withering bon mot, then kicked it over to you.

我发现问题所在 再用我的三寸不烂之舌 把问题转嫁给你

10.bon appedon’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

祝你好胃… 出门小心别让门掩着了
