
n. 手段, 活动, 玩乐

n. a maneuver in a game or conversation


1.What an accident? it’s a ploy, is what it was.

什么鬼扯意外 那是阴谋 准没错

2.of sinister network ploy. in the morning.

阴险的电视台策略 再找她

3.Tell them we know where they are, they’ll think it’s a ploy.

告诉他们我们知道他们在哪 他们会觉得这是个阴谋

4.That is such an obvious ploy it’s almost beneath you.

这诡计也太明显了吧 你不至于这么卑鄙吧

5.Come on, it’s obviously a ploy to get to you.

拜托 明显是用来接近你的策略

6.That’s just a ploy that he used to seduce you.


7.I think it was a ploy to get in my pants.

我觉得这就是勾引我 的诡计

8.It’s obviously a ploy to cut our legs out.


9.So, somehow, this has become a ploy to get me to hang with you.


10.It could explain the song, a nostalgic ploy. It’s so cliched.

这能解释那歌还有这策划 有够陈词滥调的
