
a. 下面的, 下方的, 地下的
[化] 天然碱

s. lower
s. located below or beneath something else


1.Lack of blood aspiration nether in windpipes nor lungs.


2.As we learned today, we don’t really know what’s happening in the…nether regions.

就像我们今天得知的一样 我们并不清楚 “阴间”到底情况如何

3.My nether regions are still traumatized and not quite ready to play.

我的下面还没有恢复过来 没有准备好开始

4.he may have been a skeevy bloke, but he had a toe in the nether realm, all right.

也许是个令人厌恶的契约人 但他已经一只脚踏进了地狱

5.I was about to meet my hero, and I was experiencing this bizarre pain in in my…nether region.

我馬上就要見到我的英雄 可我那個地方卻莫名疼得要死 就是 下面那個地方

6.You stick that way up ye nether mouth, ye’ll no get a squeaker.

你把海绵塞进 就不会生小孩了

7.Many folks you killed over there, you dent need na’ an ‘nether body on that conscience of yours.

你在那边杀了那么多人 不需要再死人给你的良心添负担了

8.While most of the ants are making a meal of my nether region, the rest are getting chucked into the chutney.

当大多数蚂蚁还在吃我大腿的时候 剩下的蚂蚁正在变成蚂蚁酸辣酱

9.We thought we were questioning the very structure of society and the very structure of the music you were playing, so we ended up wandering into this nether land.

我们认为自己在质疑社会的基本结构 和你们演奏的音乐基本结构 所以我们最后沦落到了下层境地

10.Except I’m feeling kicked in the nethers right now, and he sure is taking his sweet time with the healing.

但我现在感觉”那里”被人狠狠踹了一脚 而祂一点都不着急治愈我
