
n. 敌人, 仇敌, 敌军
a. 敌人的

n. an opposing military force
n. an armed adversary (especially a member of an opposing military force)
n. any hostile group of people


1.The enemy of my enemy is my friend, until he becomes my enemy again.

敌人的敌人 在成为我的敌人之前 就是我的朋友

2.If you do, you’re my enemy forever! I’m not your enemy.

你如果说了我们就永远是敌人 我不是你的敌人

3.then I have an enemy the same enemy I have always had.

那我就有了敌人 就是我一直以来的敌人

4.I don’t need an enemy. I have an enemy.

我不需要敌人 我已经有一个了

5.And here I thought the enemy of my enemy was my friend.


6.In this case, the enemy of my enemy is my ally.

现在 敌人的敌人就是盟友

7.anyone who’s your enemy is now our enemy.


8.Maybe we should start with the enemy of our enemy.


9.If you’re an enemy of this kingdom, you’re an enemy of your king.

你与王国为敌 就是与国王为敌

10.His trials shall be as my own, his enemies my enemies.

他的考验即我的考验 他的敌人即我的敌人
