
n. 河边, 河畔

n. a city in southern California


1.The most recent victim was taken from riverside.


2.This traditional arrangement is called the riverside method.

这传统的安排方法被称为 河滨方法

3.A guy who owns a few places around the city, looking to expand to east riverside.

这人在城里有几处房产 想把事业扩张到河东区

4.But it is difficult to imagine such a vibrant place existing here, in this riverside wilderness, with crocodiles and snakes.

难以想象这座活力之城竟坐落在 这个鳄鱼和蛇出没 荒草丛生的河岸上

5.A man of the riverside, and yet you cannot so much as place a dead man in that river and get him lost.

作为在河边生活的人 往河里抛具尸体 都不能让他消失

6.They get 150,000 new neighbours to give the riverside flowers a helping hand.

为了帮助河边的花 他们引进了15万新邻居

7.For an invigorating break from the car or train, you can explore the riverside castles and villages from a canoe.

从汽车之旅或火车之旅 换到振奋人心的独木舟 你能够更好地欣赏河畔的城堡和村庄
