
n. 父母对子女的养育

v bring up


1.My parents are not my biological parents.


2.I mean, not my parents or any other parents.

不包括我的父母 或其他的父母

3.This is a new parent dinner for third grade parents and my hu and and I are some of the new parents.

这是新父母为三年纪父母办的晚宴 我和我丈夫也是新父母

4.I’m here for you, single parent to single parent.

我会在你身边 两个单身家长互相扶持

5.Your parents are gonna love me, all parents do.

你的父母会爱死我的 所有父母都爱我

6.If I’m not human, that means my parents weren’t my parents.

如果我不是人类 那意味着我的父母不是我的亲生父母

7.My parents did everything normal parents did.


8.It’s from the tax your parents pay, from other parents’ pay.

你们父母 别的父母交的税里都包含了学费

9.I don’t think we should entangle your parents’ money with my parents’.

我觉得我们不应该 把你父母的钱和我父母的钱混在一起

10.Uh, I’d rather have brunch with my parents and their parents.

我宁愿和我爸妈 祖父祖母一起吃早午餐
