
[机] 扩张工作

v extend in one or more directions
v become larger in size or volume or quantity
v make bigger or wider in size, volume, or quantity
v grow vigorously
v exaggerate or make bigger
v add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing
v expand the influence of


1.But we should expand because we decide to expand, not because someone accidentally destroyed our conference room.

但我们要扩建也是因为 我们决定扩建 而不是因为 有人不小心砸了我们的会议室

2.The only message the universe sends me is that it’s gonna keep expanding for a while, so I might as well expand too.

这宇宙唯一发给我的信号就是 它会接着扩张一阵 所以我最好也跟着扩张

3.The theory of inflation is that early on, the universe didn’t just expand, but it expanded exponentially, meaning it doubled in size over and over again in a very all fraction of a second.

暴胀理论就是说 最开始宇宙不仅是在扩张 而且是以指数方式扩张 意味着在极短的时间内 它的大小就能一次次翻倍

4.To ensure a wider representation among our rapidly expanding population, the town council has seen fit to expand our ranks for the coming term.

为了确保能更好地代表 我们快速增长的人员的 镇议会决定 在下一任期增加议会席位

5.That’s why I expanded into all this other junk.


6.Talk more about that, expand on that.

多談談這個 再擴展一下

7.I think that we should expand the questionnaire.


8.So I rewind, expand, and look at this.

所以我倒带放大了画面 你看这里

9.This isn’t about expanding the business anymore.

