
n. 阿姨, 姨妈, 舅妈, 姑妈, 伯母

n the sister of your father or mother; the wife of your uncle


1.And your auntie told you what we’re going to do about it.


2.Have to do a bit better than that, auntie.

谎话得编得好一点 阿姨

3.That’s it, my love, you come with me, back to your auntie.

好了 亲爱的 过来 跟你姨妈走了

4.Far too gorgeous for some halfblind auntie.

去见个半瞎的姑妈 你打扮得也太漂亮了

5.You don’t know, but we are your auntie, and we are very honest people.

你不知道 但是我们是你的阿姨 我们是很诚实的人

6….and aunties, is not the man who became an actor.

姨妈们 不是后来成为演员的那个男人

7.your aunties tell me you have questions, about your bapti and such.

你姑姑跟我说 你对洗礼之类的事情有些困惑

8.I’m gonna need you to piggyback an auntie.


9.Look what you’ve done to your auntie’s skirt.


10.A great auntie to her friends’ children.

