
a. 艰苦的, 费劲的, 勤劳的

s characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort


1.And you have the sense that he feels painting is too studious and laborious.

你会觉得他认为 绘画太耗费精力

2.But moving goods by wagon and packhorse was laborious and costly.

但用马和马车运货 既费劲又昂贵

3.I remember this sort of laborious work from my days in the lab.

�һ���ʵ����ʱ �������ֿ๤

4.’cause I know that confirmation hearings can be laborious favor number two.

因为我知道开听证会有多头疼 这是恩情二

5.Of course, operas can be considered long and laborious but for my music, whatever the length, it is imperative that it has heart.

当然 有人认为歌剧又长又难懂 但我的音乐 无论长短 最重要的就是有感情

6.Automation clearly has been happening for a long time, and it has, you know, automated a lot of very laborious work that we don’t want to do, and that’s gonna continue to be the case in the future, but I do think that this time is genuinely different.

自动化显然已经发生了很长时间 你知道 它可以自动化 很多我们不想做的非常辛苦的工作 以后在未来还是会这样 但我确实认为这一次会完全不同
