
v. 描述, 描写(describe的过去式)

s. represented in words especially with sharpness and detail


1.Describe yourself, and describe what you’re looking for in someone else.

描述你自己 描述你心目中的另一半

2.She described it as if she’d been on it.


3.Latino describes men, and when you use it to describe a group, it leaves out everyone who’s not a man.

拉美裔这个词形容的是男人 当你用这个词形容一个群体 它就排除了每个不是男人的人

4.The middle of the word describes the number, and the end of the word like “plo” or “pilu” describes the type of fruit.

中间部分用来表示数量 而单词末尾比如”plo”和”pilu” 用来表示水果种类

5.Everything that he said and described indicated that he understood what he was seeing but he just couldn’t get the words out to describe it in a way that you’d need to if you had to talk to somebody else.

他所说的和描述的一切 都是他对自己所见的理解 但他没法用一般人的交流方式 用我们的语言来描述

6.Although it beautifully describes how gravity influences the motions of planets, stars and galaxies, it can never describe the world at the allest possible scale.

尽管相对论完美解释了引力对 行星 恒星 星系运动的作用 但却不能解释微观世界

7.the way he sometimes describes things, um, without a lot of emotion, hearing him describe the technical dissection of that body would lead someone to believe he’s a coldblooded killer.

有时候他描述的时候 没有太多情感 听他描述他详细肢解 尸体的过程会让人认为 他是个冷血杀手

8.No, no, but what you’re describing is a koschie.

没 不过照你所述他可能是个医怪

9.I’m not sure I have what you describe.


10.You should not describe yourself in such a manner.

