
n. 相反, 背面, 倒退, 挫折, 失败
a. 反面的, 相反的, 反向的, 颠倒的
vt. 使颠倒, 使逆转, 使倒退, 使反向
vi. 倒退, 反向, 倒转, 反转
[计] 反转

n. a relation of direct opposition
n. the gears by which the motion of a machine can be reversed
n. an unfortunate happening that hinders or impedes; something that is thwarting or frustrating
n. the side of a coin or medal that does not bear the principal design


1.That is reverse psychology, so you just reversed it, so now it’s reverse, reverse, which is just psychology.

这也是逆反心理 你之前逆反了一次 所以现在是反的 再逆反 就正常了

2.Which is why we’re going to use reverse reverse psychology.


3.If you say the prayer in reverse, the results will also be reversed.

要是祷词念反了 结果肯定也是反的呀

4.The challenge of looking after people who are dying in hospital is that hospitals are essentially there for the reversing of reversible disease.

医院照料临终者面临的挑战是 医院本质上是要 治疗可逆性疾病

5.We’ll reverse what he’s done to you.


6.If the situation were reversed, he’d do the same for me.

如果情况倒过来 他也会先找我

7.It’s too late, he can’t reverse himself.

太迟了 他不能撤回申请了

8.You are the same thing, but in reverse.

你也一样 但是反过来了

9.I only did as I knew you would had our roles been reversed.

如果消失的人是我 你也会做同样的事

10.It’s from the one we reverse engineered.

