
n. 凝结, 凝结物
[化] 聚沉; 凝结作用; 凝聚法

n the process of forming semisolid lumps in a liquid


1.The blood coagulated around it; now it’s been ripped out.

伤口边的血凝结了 现在又被撕裂了

2.Earlier, you spoke of the coagulation problem in transfusion.


3.The blood is coagulated as it should be after three months frozen.

血液凝固了 经过了三个月的冷冻 血液理应如此

4.And get me a complete coagulation and metabolic profile.


5.Uh, antibiotics to fight infection, coagulant, dilantin.

抗感染的抗生素 凝血剂 苯妥英

6.You heat the skin to coagulate the blood and it cauterises the wound.

以高温烧灼伤口 迅速止血

7.Blood coagulation says it was within the last two days.


8.This blood contains a unique property that prevents coagulation completely.

这种血液含有一种特性 能够完全抗凝结

9.Yes, but the coagulation time also increases with certain diseases.

没错 但是有些疾病 也会增加血液凝固的时间

10.The one treatment that seems to show some promise is coagulation by electrolysis.

只有这个疗法可以尝试 电灼凝固
