
n. 草食动物

n. any animal that feeds chiefly on grass and other plants


1.Now they have 14 herbivores and 6 carnivores.


2.herbivores are worth 1, carnivores are worth 5.

食草动物算一 食肉动物算五

3.The herbivores go searching to quench their thirst in places they shouldn’t.

食草动物去觅食 去它们不该去的地方解渴

4.They would clip vegetation, and as the vegetation would resprout, this was very nutritious for the bison and other large herbivores.

他们修剪植被 令植被不断生出新芽 这对于野牛和其他大型食草动物是很有营养的

5.These gentle herbivores come to the underworld’s outflow to drink fresh water and to cool off.

这些温驯的食草动物 来到地下河的入海口饮用淡水 同时也凉快一下

6.Just to clarify, because I don’t want you misreading any signals, it may shock you to learn that a sexual carnivore like myself was, for a spell, herbivorous.

只想澄清一下 我可不想让你会错意 你可能会震惊 像我这样的 肉食动物 也是会偶尔吃吃素的

7.Now, this doesn’t matter if you are just a herbivorous or planteating creature, but if you are a hunter, one of the problems is: if I can get close to that one over there, how does he or she know that I have the right intentions.

如果你是素食者 就是植食动物 那还好说 不过如果你是猎手 问题之一就是 如果我向那家伙靠近 它怎么知道 我对它没有恶意
