
abbr. 下议院, 众议院(House of Commons);肝卵圆细胞(Hepaticoval Cells);重油催化裂化(Heavy Oil Cracking );最高输出信道(Highest Outgoing Channel);均质铸锭(Homogeneous Casting)


1.We could invent a sort of ad hoc role for her.


2.This is an ad hoc proceeding under the administration of the church.

这是教会主持的 一次特别审判

3.I’d like to propose we form an ad hoc task force.


4.Colligitur hoc sacrificare adulescentulam virginem magna atque magnifica.

我们 聚集于此 将年轻的 献给至伟大者

5.So whatever kind of infrastructure is being developed has got to be pretty ad hoc.

因此 無論想發展何種基礎設施 都必須得完全符合需求才行

6.I mean, we scratchbuilt an ad hoc phone network and had to test it by making calls.

我们重新搭建的是临时通讯网络 必须通过打电话测试是否能用

7.I love this brilliant doityourself, ad hoc architecture, using cheap and available materials.

我喜欢这种绝妙的自己动手式特殊建筑 仅仅使用廉价可用的材料

8.I think that we should be checking out employee lockers, and not entertaining the idea that ad hoc surgery was performed here.

我想我们应该检查一下员工的储物柜 而不是异想天开地 认为这里就是手术地点
