
n. 凯西(男子名)


1.casey’s at her grandma’s for a few days, so I have the house to myself.

卡西要在她外婆家待几天 所以家里只有我自己

2.casey, we got so much to talk about.

凯西 我们有很多事要谈

3.casey, people are dying, and we’re on a clock.

凯西 不断有人遇害 我们时间紧迫

4.casey, it’s not your fault the show is so bad.

凯西 节目这么烂不是你的错

5.casey, I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was a secret.

凯西 对不起 我不知道那是个秘密

6.casey, the light won’t work out here now.

凯西 光站在这里没什么作用

7.casey, come over here. I want you to meet someone.

凯西 过来 我想你见一个人

8.casey, give him an overhead anchor point.

凯西 在他头顶搭设固定点

9.casey and I have been talking to her for the last 10 minutes.

过去的十分钟里 凯希和我一直在和她聊天

10.casey and I are trying to find some time to reconnect.

