
n. 替罪羔羊, 替人顶罪者, 替身
[法] 替罪羊, 代人受过者

n. someone who is punished for the errors of others

scapegoat的用法和例句 they need a scapegoat and I’m it.

所以他们需要一个替罪羊 就是我

2.And there you were, the perfect scapegoat.

而你出现了 理想的替罪羊

3.I let the family scapegoat you. I did.

我让家人把你当替罪羊 都怪我

4.If there needs to be a scapegoat, let it be me.

如果非得找一个替罪羊 那就让我当吧

5.I’ve given them a scapegoat and they’ll take it.

我已经给了他们一个替罪羊 他们会顺水推舟的

6.He’s not a good enough scapegoat for me.


7.Because he had the greatest scapegoat in the history of civilization.

因为他有人类文明史上 最无懈可击的替罪羊

8.I don’t believe in causes, and I will not be your scapegoat.

我不相信什么革命大业 而且我也不会成为你的替罪羊

9.And provided you with a scapegoat to shoulder the blame.

我还给你找到了替罪羊 替你承担罪名

10.Yeah, before his partners could use him as a scapegoat.

是啊 以免他的搭档拿他当替罪羊
