
n. 风格, 时尚, 文体, 风度, 字体, 类型
vt. 称呼, (根据新款式)设计, 使合潮流
n. 风格, 样式
[计] 风格, 样式

n. a particular kind (as to appearance)
n. (botany) the narrow elongated part of the pistil between the ovary and the stigma
n. editorial directions to be followed in spelling and punctuation and capitalization and typographical display
n. a slender bristlelike or tubular process


1.She styles the rose white, we style it red.

她的玫瑰式样是白色 而我们是红色

2.And that sometimes includes adding other styles onto your style.


3.You did it all, and you did it with style.

都是你的作品 非常有风格

4.It’s too obvious. It’s not his style.

太明显了 不像他的风格

5.It already has a style. It’s… It’s you.

它已经有自己的风格了 属于你的风格 see they all have their own style.


7.There’s no style in the jacket at all.


8.You’re both the same size, and he has style.

你们两个尺码一样 而他 很有格调

9.In this one, I’m the mother of style.

在這里 我就是時尚之母

10.No, I don’t think so. It’s not really my style.

应该没有 完全不是我的风格
