
n. 金花鼠

n. a burrowing ground squirrel of western America and Asia; has cheek pouches and a light and dark stripe running down the body


1.chipmunks ah, I mean, chipmunks aren’t even an indigenous species.

我是说 花栗鼠 花栗鼠都不是本地物种

2.This is an older chipmunk, and sneakier, too.

这是一只更年长 更狡猾的花栗鼠

3.First of all, it was a chipmunk and he was wakeboarding.

首先 那是花栗鼠 其次 人家玩的是冲浪滑水

4.chipmunks can’t survive outside in the cold.

在寒冷的野外 花栗鼠无法生存

5.There’s a reason why chipmunks don’t gather nuts from here.


6.The young chipmunk is still held up.


7.For chipmunks it’s time to get hoarding.

对花栗鼠来说 现在是贮存食物的时候

8.It’s what every chipmunk in the forest has been waiting for.


9.Relax, chipmunk. It’s going to be okay.

放松 花栗鼠 没事的

10.In all the pictures, I had these huge chipmunk cheeks.

所有照片里 我的臉都腫得像花栗鼠
