
n. 毁坏

n. the state of being decayed or destroyed
n. the feeling of being confounded or overwhelmed
n. an event that results in total destruction


1.If he finds out about this, I’ll be devastated.

如果他发现了这事 我会伤心欲绝的

2.No, I couldn’t. I would be devastated, actually.

不 我不能 要真这样我会崩溃的

3.If you had done that, I would have been devastated.

你真要做了 我绝对要崩溃

4.She’s on her way in, but she’s devastated.

她在来的路上 但是她很崩溃

5.And when she left me, I was devastated.

她抛弃我后 我都崩溃了

6.I was devastated when they tore it down.


7.But I am devastated for the two of them.


8.Imagine how devastating this has been for him.


9.If I lost you, I would be devastated.

要是失去你 我会崩溃的

10.When I found out about his wife, I was devastated.

发现他有妻子的时候 我特别震惊
