
n. 紫色, 帝位
a. 紫色的, 帝王的, 华而不实的
v. (使)成紫色

n. a purple color or pigment
n. of imperial status
v. become purple
v. color purple


1.There was a purple couch it was all purple.

有个紫色的沙发 纯紫色

2.Well, little girls, first pink, and then it’s purple, purple, purple.

小女孩嘛 最喜欢粉色 然后就是紫色了

3.They didn’t taste purple, but they were purple carrots.

尝起来不是紫色的味道 但这是紫萝卜

4.She’d read somewhere that purple is the color of the seventh chakra healing, so naturally, she wore nothing but purple for an entire year.

比如在哪里看到 紫色是第七轮穴位的治疗色 于是她那一年只穿紫色的衣服

5.Look, the color purple, it’s your favorite color, but you lie and tell everybody that it’s green, even though you have way more purple shirts and ties in your closet than any other color.

你最喜欢的颜色是紫色 但是你骗别人说你最喜欢绿色 但是你的衣柜里 紫色衬衫和领带最多

6.I don’t remember the name, but it was purple.

我不记得名字了 但是紫色的

7.There’s 50 shades of purple in there.


8.This is purple and sticky and gelatinous.

这是紫色的 黏糊糊的 明胶状的

9.And then pick out the purple in the other walls.


10.All purple, jutting up in the background.

都是紫色的 矗立在远方
