
a. [英俚]许多的(等于many)


1.The type of monies that you get from doing the heist.


2.All I need is monies from the heist for my new body.


3.Daddy has a man that can get me the bodies for the monies.


4.So, I mean to sign over the bulk of my monies and property to you now.

所以 我有意签字 现在就把我大部分的钱和财产转给你

5.I can get you a new body, but it takes lots of monies.

我可以给你找个新身体 但这么做需要很多钱

6.Who kills for monies left unpaid, then gulls and fits young boys for his own violence.

杀掉无力还债的人 然后让无辜的孩子当他的替罪羊

7.You were happy enough when those rooms and equipment generated huge revenues, monies that bolstered your position with the board.

那些实验室和设备 创造丰厚利润的时候 你笑得那个开心啊 那些钱款巩固了你在董事会的地位

8.So, right now what they’re offering is, you’ll be deferring monies up front against a net profit percentage on the back end.

现在他们开出的条件是 你们的预付款 会被推迟改成净利润分成

9.And that kept the whole thing moving forward for more months until we wrapped up all the legal work, all the bank documents that finally got the final monies flowing through to us.

那让整个进程多持续了好几个月 直到我们搞定 所有法律事务 所有银行文件 这才终于拿到了最后一笔款项
