
n. 糠, 麸
[医] 麸, 糠

n. broken husks of the seeds of cereal grains that are separated from the flour by sifting
n. food prepared from the husks of cereal grains


1.Help yourself to some cold wheat bran, sport.

你随便吃点冷麦麸吧 兄弟

2.At least I know my bran muffin is safe.


3.bran has no interest in ruling and he can’t father children.

布兰无意执政 也不能生子

4.I ate 12 bran muffins, and nothing happened.

我吃了十二块麸皮松饼 啥都没拉出来

5.When I get through with you, you’re gonna be eating your bran muffin through a straw.

看我把你打得满地找牙 让你吃个大饼还得用吸管

6.The cafeteria was out of blueberry, but this one’s a bran base with cranberries.

餐厅没有蓝莓的了 但这个麦麸底是用蔓越莓做的

7.A very sadlooking bran muffin or some really shriveledup carrots.

一個看著不咋地的麩皮松餅 還有一些很干癟的胡蘿卜

8.And now I’m just a big bowl of bran with no raisins.


9.lncrease the bran in your diet, and more important decrease the stress in your life.

多吃粗粮 更为重要的是 减少生活压力

10.I may have inadvertently watched you purchase me a summertime squash bran muffin.

我不经意间看到你 给我买了夏季南瓜麸玛芬
