
a. 极大的, 大幅度的, 大量的, 极好的, 大力的, 极有力的, 活跃的, 时髦的
adv. 极大地, 非常地

n changing location by moving back and forth
v burn superficially or lightly
v move in a curve or arc, usually with the intent of hitting
v move or walk in a swinging or swaying manner
v change direction with a swinging motion; turn
v influence decisively
v make a big sweeping gesture or movement
v hang freely
v hit or aim at with a sweeping arm movement
v alternate dramatically between high and low values
v live in a lively, modern, and relaxed style
v have a certain musical rhythm
v be a social swinger; socialize a lot
v play with a subtle and intuitively felt sense of rhythm
v engage freely in promiscuous sex, often with the husband or wife of one’s friends
s characterized by a buoyant rhythm


1.Their kids, they just swing… swing me along between them.

他們的小孩 只要蕩 讓我在他倆中間蕩

2.Anything. I mean, a swing and a miss is always better than no swing at all.

哪都行 挥棒没打到 总比没挥要强

3.Just swing your cock with the same strength you swing your sword, and I’m sure all will be fine.

就像挥舞你的剑一样挥动JJ 我确定没问题的

4.If you ride on a swing, you know how to push that at the right kind of speed and the right kind of force to make yourself swing.

比如你荡秋千的时候 就知道该以什么速度 施加什么样的力才能荡得高

5.Come what may, swing high, swing low, you’re still the best piece of tail I ever had, or could imagine.

不管我风光也好 落魄也好 你永远是我遇见的最不可思议的女人

6.Oh, that is me about to get into the swing again.


7.He came at me swinging. I defended myself.

他挥着拳头冲我砸来 我只是自卫

8.I was… thinking I could swing by, maybe.

我在想 也许会去看看吧

9.They had a tire swing out by the dock.


10.Swing by my office when you’re done here.

