

n. a photograph of a person’s head
n. an attempt to put the soccer ball into the net by using the head
n. a shot aimed at a person’s head


1.That’s the captain I remember from that headshot.


2.Worst case headshot the person it’s in.

最坏的情况 得把虫子的宿主爆头

3.A headshot is the only decisive way to disable a droid.

爆头 是让机器人彻底报废的唯一杀招

4.headshots of young anchormen looking for their big break.


5.She had a gun on her, and was eventually able to put the driver down with a headshot.

她身上有枪 最后给司机一枪爆头

6.headshots at the mall after school so we get the best hats.


7.She’s probably got my headshot hung up like they do at the cleaners.

她很可能会像洗衣店里的人一样 把我的特写挂在墙上

8.headshot directly below the chin, severing the perp’s spine.

一枪打在下巴正下方 切断坏蛋的脊柱

9.Time for new headshots, new portfolio, new attitude.

是时候重拍头部特写 重做照片集 转变下态度了

10.Be aggressive, do not be picky about your targets, don’t wait for a headshot, he moves too quickly.

下手狠点 别跟目标矫情 别等着机会爆头 他移动速度很快
