
v. 使变得年轻, 使恢复活力( rejuvenate的现在分词 )

v cause (a stream or river) to erode, as by an uplift of the land
v develop youthful topographical features
v make younger or more youthful
v return to life; get or give new life or energy
v become young again


1.It was a time for reflection and rejuvenation.


2.It’s like you become rejuvenated. I don’t know what it is.

你看起来年轻了 我都不明白是怎么回事

3.I feel rejuvenated. I’m truly alive.

感覺年輕了 我煥發了生氣

4.Because it represents rejuvenation, modernization and change.

因为那代表了革新 现代化和改变

5.I hope you feel rejuvenated, because I have your assignments.

希望你们都恢复精神了 因为我有任务给你们

6.Welcome to my world, a world of pure rejuvenation.

欢迎来到我的世界 纯洁的永葆青春之地

7.I feel rejuvenated, like a new woman.

我感觉重获新生 像变了个样子

8.This is what you’re fighting over, a device to rejuvenate a planet’s ecosystem.

你们争夺的就是这个 一台活化星球生态系统的仪器

9.Here, you will find rest, respite, rejuvenation.

在这里 您能放松身心 休息片刻 恢复活力

10.And I have to rejuvenate them in order to rise to the intellectual challenges before me.

所以我必须恢复它们 以便能把智力水平提高到以前的状态
