
vt. 把…供祭祀用, 奉献, 使神圣
a. 被献给神的, 神圣的

v. render holy by means of religious rites


1.It would have to be on consecrated ground.


2.So I could consecrate her bones and absorb her power.

这样我就可以供奉她的遗骸 吸取她的能量

3.consecrated in the earth, replenishing its power.

与大地融为一体 增强它的能量

4.Without me, the consecration comes to a stop.

没有我 献祭仪式就会停止

5.They’re the living bodies of the god to whom they are consecrated.


6.Sacrifices consecrate the land to our lord.

向我们的主 献上祭祀的贡品

7.It consecrates the earth for the devil’s return.

它将使大地生灵涂炭 以迎恶魔回归

8.I was thinking, my mother was consecrated and buried here.

我在想 我母亲被供奉 埋在了这里

9.It was finally consecrated in the early 13th century.


10.A witch’s magic is infused in her bones until consecrated.

女巫的法力在祭献前 都会蕴藏在遗骨中
