
a. 潦草的, 刺痛的, 发痒的, 凑合的, 发擦刮声的, 乖戾的

s causing abrasion
s easily irritated or annoyed
s lacking consistency
s unpleasantly harsh or grating in sound


1.You scratchy our backies, we scratchy yours and all that.

你助我们一臂之力 我们助你平步青云

2.I’d love to, but I have a scratchy throat.

我也想 但我的嗓子好痒

3.And we would have, except I had a scratchy throat.

我们本来要聊很多 只是我当时嗓子不舒服

4.It’s exorbitantly scratchy and it’s giving me anxiety.


5.And he has to wear one of those scratchy ankle things.


6.My throat’s totally scratchy and I have to stick around for more tests.

我的喉咙沙哑 我得留在这里继续做检查

7.Even when you shave, daddy, you’ve got scratchy spots.

爸爸 就算你刮胡须了 还是有胡渣

8.Yeah, well, we got bigger problems than scratchy skin.


9.I didn’t sleep well last night, and I woke up with a scratchy throat.

我昨晚没睡好 醒来之后嗓子很疼
