
n. 清扫夫
[机] 扫刷

n. an employee who sweeps (floors or streets etc.)
n. little-known nocturnal fish of warm shallow seas with an oblong compressed body


1.I’ve been taken with that crumb sweeper all night.


2.And they were the ones that the street sweepers wore.


3.You buy that sweeper there, I’ll tell you what you want to know.

你买下那部吸尘器 我就告诉你你想知道的东西

4.As a floor sweeper at a meat packing plant.


5.I was a barnacle sweeper for a all period of time.


6.Turning witness when you saw the street sweeper coming.

看到清洁工过来 你立即装成证人

7.The street sweeper had to go around whatever was parked here.

不知道之前停在这的是辆什么车 扫路机得来好好扫一扫了

8.You know, this would go a lot faster if you had a floor sweeper.

如果你有拖把 就方便多了

9.Born a street sweeper, apparently, what they call an untouchable.

他生来就是扫大街的 他们说他碰不得

10.And I’m bringing my swiffer sweeper with my steak knife ducttaped to the end of it.

我会带我的速易洁拖把 柄上用胶带绑上牛排刀
