
n. 对, 夫妇, 数个
vt. 使成双, 连接, 使成婚, 把…联系起来
vi. 结合, 成婚

n. a pair who associate with one another
n. a pair of people who live together
n. a small indefinite number
n. two items of the same kind


1.A fun couple is a couple who has fun with other couples.

一对有趣的 是指 可以和别的 玩得开的那种

2.They are a couple, and I am a third part of that couple.

他俩是一对 我是电灯泡

3.I offer her a couple of twenties for a couple pills.


4.couple times, this club a couple blocks down.

好几次吧 就在几个街区下面的俱乐部里

5.And I was adopted by a very nice couple an amazing couple.

我被一对很好的夫妇收养 一对非常好的夫妇

6.That’s the difference between good couples and bad couples.


7.A couple of hours a couple of nights a week.

每周就占用你几个小时 几个晚上

8.I’ll have the press there, do a couple of interviews, a couple of happy snaps.

我会让媒体到场 做些采访 拍些秀恩爱的合照

9.An admittedly unique couple’s problem, but it’s a couple’s problem.

毫无疑问 是个独一无二的问题 但还是两个人的事

10.You know, like a couple girls, and a couple boys.

几个女生朋友 几个男生朋友
