
n. 樱桃, 樱桃树, 樱桃色
[医] 樱桃

n. wood of any of various cherry trees especially the black cherry
n. any of numerous trees and shrubs producing a small fleshy round fruit with a single hard stone; many also produce a valuable hardwood
n. a red fruit with a single hard stone


1.Here, I’ve got some cherry jam real cherry overload here.

这里有樱桃酱 倒在樱桃上面

2.The next time I ask for cherries, there’d better be cherries.

下次我再要樱桃 你最好准备好

3.I… the… I was with it, and then the cherry’s gone.

我之前和他在一起 然后他不見了

4.I didn’t buy the cherries. I stole them.

那些樱桃我没买 是偷的

5.You’re about to pop your sacrifice cherry.


6.Well, no, because of the sweetness of the cherry.

不是的 因为樱桃本身就有甜味

7.If I had a cherry picker, I’d have to charge more.

如果我有吊车 可就不止收这个价了

8.I think you’ll be most appreciative, my cherry blossom.

我想你一定会很喜欢的 我的小宝贝

9.I could have sworn it was whisky and cherry juice.


10.It’s not mistletoe, just cherries and lettuce.

那不是槲寄生 只是樱桃和莴苣
