
n. 希拉里(m.& f.) , 即Hilarius, Saint


1.‐ It was hilarious. ‐ It’s not hilarious. I’m a‐‐ It’s dramatic.

太滑稽了 那不是滑稽 我演… 是戏剧张力

2.Unless you have them, and they’re hilarious.

除非你们真的有 而且很搞笑

3.If so, you’d be a hilarious comedian.

如果是那样 你就会是个滑稽的戏剧演员了

4.That’s hilarious I did not know that.


5.I’m only doing this because you two are hilarious.


6.If it was hilarious, you’d be laughing.

如果你真的觉得好笑 那就会笑

7.It was so hilarious, they made it over and over again.

真是太好笑了 他们拍了很多部

8.It was hilarious, go check it out yourself.

很滑稽 不信你们自己去看

9.Yes, I’m sure he was being hilarious.

是的 我想他一定是在开玩笑

10.But that shit is hilarious. I’m sorry.

但这事实在太好笑了 对不起
