
n. 太妃糖, 阿谀, 威尔士人

n. chewy candy of sugar or syrup boiled until thick and pulled until glossy


1.Where’s she going? I can’t finish this taffy all by myself.

她要去哪 这么多太妃糖我自己吃不完

2.Taffie deserves to know the truth, and so do I.

塔菲应该得知真相 我也是

3.taffy and me, we’re like ghosts around here.


4.You’ve got to try some of this delicious taffy.


5.Let’s go put him in the taffy puller.


6.I’d get up and run, but my legs are like taffy.

我很想起身逃跑 但我的双腿已经累到无力

7.I gave you the money, and you spent it on condoms and taffy.

我把钱给你了 你却用来买 和太妃糖

8.Honestly, I just want you to be quiet but I’m all out of taffy.

说实话 我是想你闭嘴 可是我身上没糖果了

9.taffy, baby, I’m going to have fun with you tonight.

亲爱的塔菲 我今晚要和你快活一把

10.Nothing but saltwater taffy and ice cream.

