
n. 砰然落下, 拍击声, 失败
vi. 笨重地摔, 猛落
vt. 笨拙地抛下
adv. 噗通

n. someone who is unsuccessful
n. a complete failure
n. the act of throwing yourself down
v. fall loosely


1.Perhaps we could do this when there’s less of you flopping about.

等你不再像这样晃荡的时候 我们再正式见面吧

2.And I can’t do it if you’re flopping around the shower.


3.All this gloom isn’t about your last flop.

你这么消沉 不是因为上一次的失败

4.And you flop your dingdong all over the apartment.


5.Is that fourfive off suit and the flop’s a jackqueen.

就是那个45杂牌 翻牌是JQ

6.Now he’s flopping around on the outside.


7.It’s time to bring out the belly flop.


8.See how that flop treated you. I check.

鉴于刚才的翻牌你很走运 我过

9.All right, all right, let’s take it again from the flop.

好吧 我们从砸的地方再来一遍吧

10.They tried twice, but it was a big flop.

他们试过两次 结果都很失败
