
a. 有功绩的, 有价值的, 可称赞的
[法] 有功的, 值得称赞的, 善意的

s. deserving reward or praise


1.I was meritoriously promoted for an undercover case I was working.

我被破格提升了 因为我办的一个卧底案件

2.Would we be less meritorious if we lived in that kind of society rather than in ours.

如果生活在那样的社会里 我们的价值就降低了吗

3.That rope rescue was like nothing I’ve ever seen, which is why I’ve recommended you for a meritorious promotion.

我从没见过这样的绳索救援 所以我才推荐你升职

4.After that, petitioned a court for his release on the grounds of meritorious service and offered a surety for his freedom.

之后 我请求法庭放了他 因为他的优秀表现 并为他的自由提供担保

5.Spotless service record, master chief petty officer, citations for meritorious service.

滴水不漏的服役记录 一级军士长 有功服务奖
