
vi. 补偿, 弥补
[法] 赔偿, 补偿, 偿还

v make amends for
v turn away from sin or do penitence


1.He’s the one that should be doing the atoning, not you.

那该向世人赎罪的也是他 而不是你

2.You didn’t do it because you cared about my atonement.


3.I have nothing to atone for, especially not to you.

我没有需要赎罪的事 尤其是对你们

4.atone for our sins before it’s too late.

趁为时未晚 弥补我们犯过的错

5.I’ll have atoned for my crimes and paid my debt.

我就弥补了犯罪行为 把债都还清了

6.You killed your men, son, you have to atone.

你杀了自己人 孩子 你必须要赎罪

7.If you do something to atone for the people you incinerated.


8.But I’m offering you a chance to atone for her death.


9.I can’t atone for my mistakes if I keep making them.

如果我不停犯错 就不能为我的错误赎罪了

10.I came here to look you in the eye and to atone.

