
v. 使汞齐化, 合并

s. joined together into a whole


1.An amalgamation of them is a logical byproduct.


2.Well, that’s if I stay the almoner, once we’ve amalgamated.


3.I’ve got that amalgamation thing, and you won’t let me have an evening off.

我有那么一大堆事 你到了晚上都不让我休息休息

4.Now they’ve all amalgamated, so it’s a bit of a lucky dip.

现在全都合并了 也算是走运吧

5.No, I’m sorry, but the amalgamation which is in process seems to me the only practical solution.

不行 抱歉 但是正在进行的合并 在我看来是唯一可行的办法

6.He stepped in an amalgam of fats, waxes, oil and calcium dye.

他踩进了脂肪 蜡 油和钙染料的混合物中

7.Lucy was terribly important because she was really an amalgam of different characteristics of ape and human.

露西的重要性在于 她同时具有猿和人的特征
