
n. 从军者, 老兵, 竞选者

n. a politician who is running for public office


1.This is a campaign emergency, and I wanted everyone involved with the campaign to be here to figure out what to do.

这是个竞选紧急情况 我想要所有参与竞选过程的人 聚在一起商量对策

2.I can run your whole campaign from behind bars like a real campaign manager.

就算我在铁窗后 也能正儿八经地 经营好你的选举

3.We also know that the other side are going to run a campaign the way campaigns have been run for pretty much the last 70 years.

我们也知道对方阵营的拉票模式 一定不会与过去70年里的 拉票模式有太大差别

4.My agent’s actually putting me up for this huge laundrydetergent campaign, and my head shots have more of an “Ibsen in the park” feel, and the campaign needs more of a comedy look.

我的经纪人让我参加 一个大型的洗衣粉活动 我的脸部照是一种在公园的喜悦感觉 但是这个活动需要的是喜剧化的表情

5.So, we’re looking for little hooks that will let us pull up the congres an’s memory of his campaign a campaign where he swore day after day he was gonna pass this bill.

所以我们要找的就是这些钓钩 好让议员回忆起竞选 回忆起他当年是如何日复一日地承诺 一定会通过法案的

6.So, you will confirm for them that our campaign is a dumpster fire and that they’ve got this whole thing wrapped up, just at the moment when we’ve got our campaign’s brightest political mind screwing them from the inside.

所以 你要向他们确保 我们的竞选彻底玩完了 让他们觉得自己掌握了整件事 而此时我们竞选团队中 最聪慧的 人才 正从内部瓦解他们

7.She’ll be your daytoday on the campaign.


8.But it’s not a violation if you don’t campaign, which I didn’t.

