
n. 过去的事, 往事
a. 过去的

n. past events to be put aside
s. well in the past; former


1.Well, let’s just let bygones be bygones.

是呀 事已至此无须再提了

2.Let bygones be bygones and return to the fold.

让过去都过去吧 浪子回头 let me off this boat, and we’ll let bygones be bygones.

让我下船 过去的事就让它过去吧

4.I think it’s time to let bygones be bygones.


5.Junior, look, hand over the baby, and we’ll let bygones be bygones.

朱尼尔 把宝宝给我 然后我们之间就一笔勾销

6.Now, he could just kill you, but he figures it’s time to let bygones be bygones.

他可以选择直接杀了你 但他觉得是时候摒弃前嫌了

7.A nobody who thinks sending a bottle of scotch will make bygones be bygones.

一个觉得送给我一瓶苏格兰威士忌 就能让我们既往不咎的不值一提的人

8.I showed up tonight hoping that we could let bygones be bygones, also hoping that you had gotten fat.

我今天来 是希望抛开过往 还指望着你变肥了

9.But I promise to let bygones be bygones if you be a good little sheep and come back to the island with the rest of the flock.

但是如果你愿意做一只乖乖的小羊 回归岛上的羊群 我保证过去的事就过去了 绝不再提

10.I think that we’ve had a fantastic time, and now is the time to let bygones be bygones and just sort of call it a day.

我们曾经都很快乐 现在也该让过去的过去了 然后今天就到这吧
