
vt. 遗赠, 遗留
[法] 遗赠, 遗留…给

v. leave or give by will after one’s death


1.I gladly bequeath to her everything to the south.


2.Your father bequeathed his entire estate to his children.


3.The sorcerer bequeathed the quill to all of you, but it is not a simple pen.

魔法師把羽毛筆留給了你們 但那不是一支簡單的筆

4.You bequeathed me a plaster horse, if I recall correctly.

我没记错的话 你把石膏马遗赠给我了

5.While the other servants waited to receive gifts the king had bequeathed.

而其他的侍从都等着 领取国王的馈赠

6.bequeathed to various pawnbrokers by an esteemed line of forebears.

那些令人尊敬的祖先们立下遗嘱 把那些遗产都留给了各个当铺

7.Qreshis can’t bequeath land until they turn eighteen, and you’ve no claim to his without him.

奎雷什人18岁前无法将土地继承给别人 没有他 你根本什么都拿不到

8.We cracked open a 1000dollar bottle of wine that my father bequeathed to me.

我们开了一瓶价值一千美金 我父亲遗赠给我的酒来庆祝他死了

9.and to bequeath this cure to millions of others, just like that boy.

遗赠这个解药 给像男孩那样的人们

10.I’ve drawn up a separation agreement, which bequeaths us equal time in the clubhouse.

我已经起草了一份分时段协议 这样我们能各在娱乐室内占用同样长的时间
