
v. 讲解, 解释( explain的现在分词 ); 说明…的原因, 辩解; 说明, 解释, 辩解

v make plain and comprehensible
v define
v serve as a reason or cause or justification of


1.And then I’m going to have to explain and explain and explain.


2.Explain how they’re doing it. I can’t explain it.

请解释他们是怎么做的 我说不清

3.You don’t have to explain it to me and you don’t have to explain it to her.

你不用跟我解释 而且你也不用跟她解释

4.I’ll explain it to you the way that he explained it to me.


5.How you gonna explain that? I don’t have to explain anything.

那你要怎么解释 我没什么好解释得

6.I can explain, same way they explained it to me.

我能解释 就像他们对我说的那样

7.Explain it to him like you explained it to us.

像你跟我们解释的那样 解释给他听

8.Explain it to him the way you explained it to me, please.

向你跟我解释那样跟他解释 拜托

9.You can explain it to them like you explained it to me.

你可以对他们解释 就像你对我解释一样

10.I can explain us. I can’t explain him.

我能解釋我們 但我解釋不了他
